No More Hoping.
Make Things Happen.

Persuasion in the palm of your hand.
Did you ever wish you could persuade someone to go somewhere - their gym, a date, an AA meeting, a doctor’s appointment – using just a little nudge? Maybe you have a friend who works too much and needs to prioritize self-care. Wouldn't you love a day without nagging your kids to get to piano lessons?
The Bondzy App is simple and easy to use. Consider it your personal genie making those wishes come true.

Some call them bribes. We call them Bondzies.
The Bondzy App offers two different types of Bondzies.
When you post a Reward Bondzy, it’s like burying a treasure for one specific person to find. If the person you name is at the place you indicate at the time you specify, they get the treasure! The buried treasure is a link to whatever you want, such as a PayPal transfer, a digital gift card, a video game download, or whatever you think the recipient wants. You can be as creative as you want, but we've put together some helpful examples here.
When the Reward Bondzy is created, we email the person with the information you provided and instructions to download the app. Once they're at the right place and time, they click a button, and – presto! – they get the link to download their incentive. If they don’t show up, then the treasure is left untouched.
It's motivational magic!
Promise Bondzies are coming soon!
A Promise Bondzy will let you specify a treasure and if YOU aren’t where you said you would be when you said you’d be there, the person you’re supposed to meet can claim the treasure!
Fun ways to use Promise Bondzies here.