We believe in the principles of economics, most notably that people respond to incentives. Bondzy allows users to incentivize others - or themselves - to bring about desired behavior.
Bondzies FAQ (General)
1. What are Bondzies?
Currently, Bondzies come in two varieties, Promise Bondzies and Reward Bondzies. A Promise Bondzy lets you assure someone – a client, an employer, a coach, a friend – that you will be at a particular place at a particular time. Once you post a Promise Bondzy, if you don’t show up at the designated appointment, your Bondzy is automatically forfeited. When you post a Reward Bondzy, think of it like burying a treasure in order to motivate someone to be at a specific place at a specific time. If the person is there at the time, they click a button in the app at they receive the treasure you “buried” in the form of a link.
Reward Bondzies FAQ
1. How do Reward Bondzies work?
Creating a Reward Bondzy is like burying a treasure in order to motivate someone to be at a specific place at a specific time.
When you click the “Create Reward Bondzy” button, a form asks you who, where, when, and what: Who the person is (the “counterparty), Where the person has to be, When they have to be there (and how late they can be), and What they get if they are there on time. The What – the buried treasure – is a link to whatever you want, such as a link to pick up a PayPal payment, a link to a digital coupon, or even a secret! When the Reward Bondzy is created, we email the counterparty with the information you provided and instructions to download the app. If the person is at the right place and time, they will click a button and receive the treasure (link) by email. If they don’t, then the treasure is left untouched.\
2. Does the recipient need to use the app?
Yes, to claim the reward, the recipient will have to download and use the app. The app is currently free to use to redeem Reward Bondzies. In the future, the app will still be free to redeem Reward Bondzies, but a subscription will be required to post Reward Bondzies (or Bondzies, which are coming soon).
3. What are some ideas for rewards?
Anything that you can enter as text, such as a web link, can be used to create a reward. Apps for transferring money, such as PayPal and Venmo, allow users to create a web link that is needed to accept the payment. This is an easy way to create a reward. Links can also be used for gift cards and other
4. What happens if the recipient does not claim the reward?
Nothing. If you created a PayPal transfer, for example, the link will eventually expire and the transfer will be canceled. Please be sure that you know if a fee is charged in such cases since you can’t be sure that the recipient will claim their Reward Bondzy.
5. What notifications do recipients receive?
When you create the Reward Bondzy, the recipient receives an email notification. The email indicates the name of the person who created the Reward Bondzy, as well as the information they need to claim the reward. The email includes a link to the Bondzy app.
When the recipient is eligible to claim the reward – they may be up to five minutes early – they get a push notification on their phone if they have notifications enabled. If and when they claim the reward, they receive an email with the reward information.
6. What notifications do I receive if I post a Reward Bondzy? When it is redeemed?
You will receive a push notification when the Reward Bondzy is claimed by the recipient if you have notifications enabled in your app. You can see the status of Reward Bondzies by going to the Reward Bondzy home screen on your app.
7. Can I create Reward Bondzies for multiple locations and times?
No. Each Reward Bondzy is for one specific place and time.
8. How do I notify people that I named them as a recipient of a Reward Bondzy?
The app notifies recipients when they are named as recipients of a Reward Bondzy. It is important to check the email address you enter because the notification will be sent to this address.
9. Is there a limit to the number of Reward Bondzies I can create or participate in? Are there fees to create Reward Bondzies?
At present, there is no limit to the number of Reward Bondzies users can create or receive. During beta testing, use of the app is free. Soon, a subscription will be needed to post Reward Bondzies, but receiving Reward Bondzies will not require a subscription.
10. Can I cancel a Reward Bondzy once it has been created?
No. A Reward Bondzy is a commitment to the recipient. If a user cancels a reward after it has been posted, the user will not be permitted further access to the app.
11. How can I provide feedback or report an issue with the app?
Please send feedback or reports to info@Bondzy.com.
12. How does Reward Bondzy ensure the privacy of its users?
Please see our Privacy Disclosure on our website, www.bondzy.com.
Promise Bondzies FAQ (Coming Soon!)
1. How do Promise Bondzies work?
A Promise Bondzy is a commitment to someone - a client, a partner, a date - to be at a specific place at a specific time. You specify what the other person gets if you don’t show up in the form of a link, which can be anything you choose. When you are at the designated place at the designated time, click on the Promise Bondzy and you'll see a little green REDEEM button. Click it to redeem your Promise Bondzy.
On the other hand, if you don’t show up as promised, you automatically forfeit your Bondzy. The person you promised will get the link that you put in the Bondzy payload as the guarantee that you would make your appointment.
2. Does the recipient need to use the app?
No. If you do not redeem your Promise Bondzy, the payload you placed in the Bondzy will be sent to the counterparty in an email.
3. What are some ideas for Promises?
Anything that you can enter as text, such as a web link, can be used to create a Promise Bondzy. Apps for transferring money, such as PayPal and Venmo, allow users to create a web link that is needed to accept the payment. This is an easy way to create a Promise Bondzy. Links can also be used for gift cards and other
4. What happens if I do not redeem my Promise Bondzy?
If you do not redeem your Promise Bodnzy, then the link that you specified will be emailed to the counterparty. They will be able to access whatever it was that you promised them if you did not show for your appointment.
5. What notifications do recipients receive?
When you create the Promise Bondzy, the recipient receives an email notification. The email indicates all the information for the Promise Bondzy and a link to the Bondzy app. If you do not redeem your Promise Bondzy, they receive another email with the link that you entered for the Promise Bondzy.
6. What notifications do I receive if I post a Promise Bondzy?
You will receive a push notification when the Promise Bondzy is ready to be redeemed if you have notifications enabled in your app. You can see the status of Promise Bondzies by going to the Promise Bondzy home screen on your app.
7. Can I create Promise Bondzies for multiple locations and times?
No. Each Promise Bondzy is for one specific place and time.
8. How do I notify people that I named them as a recipient of a Promise Bondzy?
The app notifies recipients when they are named as recipients of a Promise Bondzy. It is important to check the email address you enter because the notification will be sent to this address.
9. Is there a limit to the number of Promise Bondzies I can create or participate in? Are there fees to create Promise Bondzies?
At present, there is no limit to the number of Promise Bondzies users can create or receive. During beta testing, use of the app is free. Soon, a subscription will be needed to post Promise Bondzies but receiving Promise Bondzies will not require a subscription.
10. Can I cancel a Promise Bondzy once it has been created?
No. A Promise Bondzy is a commitment to the recipient. If a user cancels a Promise Bondzy after it has been posted, the user will not be permitted further access to the app.
11. How can I provide feedback or report an issue with the app?
Please send feedback or reports to info@Bondzy.com.
12. How does Promise Bondzy ensure the privacy of its users?
Please see our Privacy Disclosure on our website, www.bondzy.com.